.Ship, Call sign and Radio Officer Unknown !!
USA ship SS "MAJ STEPHEN W PLESS" c/s WHAQ, Radio Officer Joseph P Allen.
M/V "SANTA MARIANA" cargo and passenger ship, c/s WSNA Radio Officer Joseph P Allen.
P/S "MERIDIAN" ex Italian Liner "GALILEO GALILEI" c/s C6IP3.
ITT Marine Radio Station,"Saudi Abha"
M/V "BRITANNIC", this time the macthing between radio room and ship's pictures it hasn't been easy, please notify any information can help and confirm this match. Unknown Radio Officer.
Radio Room (-TSH-) m/v "MANAPOURI" C/s GWLU Of P&O Company
M/T "OTINA" c/s GHME, unknown Radio Officer. Ship was a SHELL tanker.
Weather ship "VANCOUVER", ship of Canadian Coast Guard, radio room very well fitted with radio equipments in use in the Merchant Marine.
M/V "MAGDALENA REITH" German flag, unknown c/s
Italian M/V "CAPO NOLI" c/s ILOC, Radio Officer Ulrico Bracco now SK.
Bern Radio/HEB (Genfergasse, Zürich), Francine Montandon
Auckland Radio ZLD operator Cilla Hardy. She is running 500 kcs radiotelegraphy at Console 3 in the West Operating room. Remote controls for the 1KW Dansk transmitter are the bottom right of the photo.
M/T "ANCO SPRAY" c/s PCQN. Radio Room picture from RADIO HOLLANDE.
the left of the main transmitter DEBEG 7101 for MW telegraphy, GW telephony and telegraphy / telephony in all marine radio HF bands. The output stage is operated with 4 4CX250B and provides 1.5 KW PEP with SSB and 1.2 KW with KW telegraph operation. The AA-204 auto alarm receiver is right under the operator's nose (Lothar Pietsch) . In the middle in front of the radio operator there are two Debeg 7201 all-wave receivers , one with a raster insert and one with an interpolator for tuning between the 100 Khz rasters. Above the receiving antenna patch panel. In the top left boxAlarm sign keypad into which the position of the ship and other brief information can be entered using the keypad and, if necessary, the main or emergency transmitter can be used with this text. The NF distributor is located underneath. The photos below show the same station from different perspectives.
Dredger "CORNELIA" c/s PDLV. Pics from RADIO HOLLAND.
M/V "SOHLAND" c/s Y5EQ, old East Germany ship. Radio Officer in the pic is playing with his ham radio gears...
the middle row on the right and left. It covers the range from 100 kHz to 28.5 MHz in eight sub-ranges, offers the operating modes AM, SSB / CW and is equipped with 14 tubes. In between there is an "Apollo" receiver from Marconi Marine (15 kHz to 28 MHz, A1, A2, A3 and SSB). The station's emergency transmitter is installed at the top right.
Me onboard M/T Riogas/DPRG around 1985 tx/rx Debeg with Magnavox Satcom
Photo of myself on Universe Ireland
Norwegian M/T "POLLO" c/s LHGA, radio room pic from flickr.
The story of the famous poster.
Today I have a sad post with my work around radio rooms. I have the pictures of Italian Ferry Boat "ALBACORA" radio room fitted with Italian radio gears but according to my infos the ferry had a very short life, as you can see ship sunk inside (Venice Lagoon???), I had not other news but I am looking for people knows more..........
German P/S "HANSEATIC" c/s DABR, pics from website seefunknetz. Radio Officers: Heinz Müller and Dietrich Brandt.
VLCC "HALCYON THE GREAT" unknown c/s and R/O.
Rose King nos 500kHz no RMS Discover/GLNE em 18 Abril de 1975
M/V "VERNA CLAUSEN" c/s OYER, pics from website aanimeri
Dominique ex-operadora de FFL
Italian M/T "NANDO" c/s IBDN ship with Italian flag since 1994. Pics by Italian R/O Gianmatteo Marzocchi.
M/T "NARAI" c/s OIYP, from website aanimeri.
border and short wave. The power supply with switchboard and fuse box and the charger for the emergency batteries are also housed in this frame. At the work station of the radio officer you can see on the left an "Atalanta" receiverfrom Marconi-Marine. The double conversion covers the range from 15 kHz to 28 MHz in 10 sub-ranges in the "CW" and "Phone" modes. In the middle of the workplace, below the patch panel for the receiving antennas, there is an Eddystone EC 840 medium and shortwave receiverbuilt-in. A marine VHF from Marconi-Marine is on the right at the workplace. A auto alarm receiver cannot be seen in the photo, it is probably located on the right wall of the radio station.
Well equipped radio room from the Icelandic stern trawler Kaldbakur EA-301, call sign TFBC. Photos from 1977-1978.
I picked up this puzzle the other week of a lifeboat set by the International Marine Radio company. It came in a nice wooden box with the inscription 'To the Captain, Officers and Crew with our good wishes'. The callsign GTZR on the puzzle appears to be the group call for IMRCo ships. I am assuming these were produced as gifts to use on board their fleet ships and was of their 'SOLAS I' lifeboat set.
TS Norway / LITA (C6CM7)
Preserved Tx from Brisbane Radio (callsign VIB).
Preserved Tx from Brisbane Radio (callsign VIB).
Radio Officer Claudia WENDISCH (Germany)
Radio Officer Eva Marie JENSEN (Norway)
Radio Officer Olive J. (Carroll) ROECKNER (Canada)
Radio Officer Marianne Mäder (Switzerland)
Radio Officer Birgitta GUSTAFSSON (Sweden)
Radio Officer Joan (Aiers) Henriksen (Canada)
Radio Officer Fazilette Khan (UK)
Radio Officer Christine Rice (UK) m/s Ottawa/GNDU
Radio Officer Andrianna Politou (Greece)
Radio Officer Angeliki Lykoudi/sv1siq (Greece)